Thursday, February 3, 2011

Notes from Le Corbusier

Five Points [Toward] a New Architecture
Our confident (and feathery) friend, derived these points through practical experience, rather than via frivolous fantasy; additionally, Le Corbusier's theory is non-aestheticly driven, non-fashion minded, but solely based on facts.

1. The Supports
A building may be sifted into two categories, supporting and non supporting elements. Confusing the two will lead to shallow design.

(hmmm, I knew it—Vignelli was influenced by this man: see this—Mo, we could incorporate an exhibit of the designers he influenced, as Vignelli considered him a god.)

Anyway...back to the supports, Le Corbusier stated, "supports and support foundations are precisely calculated according to the burdens the are called upon to carry." Therefore, walls will be added out of free spirited desire, rather than structural necessity. Additionally the ground floor will be lifted above the damp soil, as it too is no longer necessary as a base element.

2. Roof Gardens
A flat roof = a fine area for a garden. Honestly, who would not love to recline on a roof while sipping on lemonade and inhaling fragrant greenery? Practically speaking, according to Le Corbusier, the consistent humidity of the roof concrete will allow for the reinforced concrete to remain at a regular temperature. And lastly, "roof gardens mean to a city the recovery of all the build up area." Green-minded architecture in 1926! Wow.

3. The Free Designing of the Ground Plan
If supporting walls are no longer necessary, absolute design freedom has emerged! Each floor may be designed "entirely independent of the rest." The only debatable drawback, would be the high cost of reinforced concrete. But really, who could dispute such design freedom?

4. The Horizontal Window
Let there be (evenly refracting) L I G H T throughout the structure. Amen. Since the exterior walls are no longer enlisted as supporting elements, why not stretch a window the entire length of the wall? Maximum illumination, as stated by The Raven, is an excellent architectural pursuit.

5. Free Design of the Facade
(Repetition is key to learning)..."Since the exterior walls are no longer enlisted as supporting elements," a quote from me as stated in the previous paragraph, why not...(and now back to The Raven) "project the floor beyond the supporting pillars, as a surrounding balcony?" Additionally, to speak the obvious, windows may be added at will.

And lastly, a demonstration of Le Corbusier's humility,
"Nothing is left to us of the architecture of past epochs, just as we can no longer derive any benefit from the literary and historical teaching given in schools."

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